“The Black Book of Kincardinshire” lists the prisoners held in “the Whigs Vault” of Dunnottar Castle, who were not banished: all of them refused the oath of allegiance, and many of them refused his majesty`s authority, and to swear the oath of allegiance  before the Ld Gosford, [at] Bruntilland [ Burntisland, Fife] the 19 May 1685.

NOTE; The total sent to Dunnottar were 122 Men 45 Women  Total 167, but only 160 names  are listed – it is short of 4 women and 3 men. Their details are unknown; they may well have been persons who died on the forced march to Dunnottar. Several also died in an escape attempt.

Ja. ATCHISONE.        Thomas BLACK*       Walter BLACK*

Wm. BOYD                  Geo. BROUNE         Wm. BROUNE Dec.

Jon BUCHANAN          Jon CAMPBELL        Wm. CAMPBELL

Mungo COCHRAN      Andw. CORBIT         Jon CRIGHTOUNE


Peter DREDONE        Jon FAIRMAN              Jon FORD

Ja. FORSYTH             Mr Jon FRASER         John GILFILLEN

Charles GRAY             Ja. GRIER                   Wm. HANNA

Jon HARPER              Jon HENDERSONE     Adam HOOD

Jon HUNTER              James JUNK                Jon KINKAID

Ja. KIRKWOOD           Rot. LOGANE              Jon MARTINE

Jon MckGIE                 Ja. McKAALL               Mr Wm. MckMILLEN

Wm. OLIPHANT          Thoma McKENZIE        Andw.. MckLELAND

Walter M`kMAINE        Andw. MckQUEEN       John MckQUEEN

Rot. MckQUEEN         George MOORE            Jon POLLOCK

Ja. ROSTONE            Ja. RUSSELL Dec.        Pieter RUSSELL

Thomas RUSSELL     Jon SMITH                     Alex. SMYTH

All. SMYTH                 Jon SYNTOUNE            Mr TURNBULL

Jon TURPINE             All. VALENGE                 Jon WALLACE *

Wm. WILSON             Ja. WRIE (URIE)             Jon WRIE (URIE)


Prisoners noted as [ to be ] Banished

Rot. BRYDEN            Alxr. DALGLEISH            Quentin DICK

Robert GLASS          Jon HARVIE                     Jon KELLIE

Jon HODGE              Jon HUTCHESONE Liberat.


Wm. NIVEN               Andw.. PATERSONE      Thomas PATERSONE*

Jon RANY                 Wm. SPRUD                    Christopher STRANG

Pat WALKER            Jon WALLACE                  Jon WALLER

Wm. WATERSTOUNE* Jon WATT                    Jon WHYTE Dec.

Robert YOUNG

Prisoners not banished

 Collein ALIESONE   Ja. ATCHISONE  Dec        Rot. BARCLAY

Jon BLACK                Hugh BLAIR                       Thos. BREADIE

Wm. BREADIE  Dec  Ja. COCHRAN                    Andw. CORBIT

Jon CORBIT              Jon CORSEN                    Cu. GILLCHRIST

Ro. GILLCHRIST       Wm. GILMORE                  Ja. GLEN

Robert GOODWINE   Jon GRAY                          Fergus GRIER

Jon KING                   Wm. LEWIS                        Ja. LOCKHEART

Pat McKYORE           Geo. MOORHEAD             Ja. ORE

Ja. RITCHIE               David SCOTT                    Jon SMITH

Win. SPRUD               Wm. WILSONE                  Pat WRIE (URIE)

Women Prisoners

 Jannet BELL              Nicols BONEIGHT              Kistaine CAVIE

Katherine CLARKE     Elizabeth CORSS               Agnes COWHEAD

Elspeth FERGUSSONE  Margaret FOREST        Mistress GAIRDINER

Girsell GEMMELL       Marie GIPSONE Dec.        Janet GLENDINING

Bessie GORDONE     Isobell GORDONE              Barbra GOWAN

Agnes HAIRSTAINES Isobell HOWIESON             Annabel JACKSON

Katherine KELLIE       Mart. LITHGOW                 Elizabeth MAIDLEINE

Mistress McBIRNIE    Jean MkGIE                        Agnes MATHER

Margaret M`KLELLAN Margaret MILLAR            Jeanne MUFFETT Dec

Margaret PHILIP         Margaret ROWANE           Margaret RUAN

Jeane SIMPLE           Kirstain SCOTT                  Agnes TAMIES

Elizabeth WALKER     Grisell WITHERSPOONE

Elizabeth WHYLAW    Janet WHYLAW                 Elspeth WHYT

Margaret WRIE  (URIE)

 * taken the oath and Covenant.    Dec. Died.

Mr normally indicates a Minister of the Kirk.

Dunnottar Castle