DAVID BLACK – an early victim of the
King`s displeasure.

Ecclesiae Scoticanae, H Scott (1915) rev 1917, 1920
vol 5 p 420 Arbirlot, 1597

DAVID BLACK, educated at
Univ. of St Andrews; adm. (on the recommendation of Andrew Melville) min.
of St Andrews Nov. 1590. Having offended JamesVI. by” certain unreverent,
reproach full and infamous speeches in his sermons,” he was summoned
before the Privy Council 18th Nov. 1596, but declined its jurisdiction “in
matters spiritual.” In this he was supported by “his whole brethren of the
ministrie.” Twelve days later he lodged a second declinature, but was
found guilty on 2nd Dec, and ” the penaltie referred to the King’s will
and pleasure.” On 9th Dec. he was ordered to enter his person in ward. The
Synod of Fife petitioned the King to restore B. to his charge, but that
was not done, and he was trans, and adm. here in 1597; pres. to the
vicarage by James VI. 15th May 1598. “While on his way to Perth he died
suddenly at Dundee, of apoplexy, immediately after having given thanks at
a meal, Tuesday 12th Jan. 1603. He had preached and dispensed the
Communion on the preceding Sunday. He is characterised as a man of
singular fidelity and diligence, mighty in doctrine, a powerful preacher,
a zealous, faithful, and painstaking pastor, whose ministry was productive
of much fruit. He was strongly opposed to Episcopacy. He marr. Katherine
Prattie, who survived him, and had issue Sarah, who with her mother was
recommended to charity by the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale 4th Nov.